The Kaweah Subbasin – East Kaweah, Mid-Kaweah, and Greater Kaweah Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) – held a grower event focused on surface water supply updates, irrigation practices, groundwater management, and grant funding opportunities. Sponsors and vendors across the Central Valley helped make the event happen. The subbasin-wide event demonstrated coordination among the three Kaweah Subbasin GSAs, and a commitment to progress together toward groundwater sustainability.
Nearly 350 attendees heard presentations from:
Each of our dynamic speakers presented on valuable and practical topics including the Friant Division of the Central Valley Project, Land IQ , Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), irrigation practices, and GSA updates. A recap video and speaker presentation videos will be available soon. You can download event materials such as the presentation slides, event agenda, and speaker bios below.
Central Valley Project & Friant Water Supply Updates with Jason Phillips
Kaweah River Water Supply Updates with Mark Larsen
Kaweah Subbasin SGMA Updates with Aaron Fukuda, Michael Hagman & Mark Larsen
Kaweah Subbasin Mitigation Program with Kait Palys
Management of Groundwater Resources Through Evapotranspiration with Joel Kimmelshue
Smart Irrigation Practices with Craig Hornung
Grant Funding for Growers with Amber Butland and Lurana Strong
202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water - Jason Philips (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water - Mark Larson (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water Michael Hagman (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Kait Palys (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water Joel Kimmelshue (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water - Amber Butland (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water - Brandt Inc (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water- Hortau (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water - Hotspot Ag (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water - Techno Flo (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water - Phytech (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water - Ranch Systems (pdf)
Download202307 KSB My Job Depends on Water MASTER (pdf)